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时间:2012-4-26 15:51:57 点击:

3、The writer learned that_______ from his first job

A. he should work for those who he liked most

B.he should work longer than what he was expected

C. he should never fail to say hello to his owner

D. he should be respectful and faithful to the people he worked for


本题详解: 语义理解题。看到文章第 2 段第 4 句话 I also learned about being respectful and faithful to the people you work for,答案不言自明。

4、_______ gave the writer serf-esteem.

A. Having a family of eight people

B.Owning his own golf course

C.Bringing money back home to help the family

D.Helping his father with the work on the plantation


本题详解: 语义理解题。从文章第 3 段最后两句话 Nothing made me prouder than bringing home money to help my mother, father, two brothers and three sisters. This gave me self-esteem (自尊心)… 不难肯定答案为C。

5、 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. He wanted to be a successful golfer.

B.He wanted to run a golf course near his house.

C.He was satisfied with the job he got on a plantation.

D.He wanted to make money by guiding oxen with a broomstick.


本题详解: 判断题。从最后一段内容不难看出他想当一名高尔夫球员的迫切之心。


Death Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, covering a wide area with its alkali sand. Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United States. Long ago the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”― the land of fire. Death Valley’s present name dates back to 1849, when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has been declared a National Monument(纪念碑) and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the change created by human settlement has hardly ruined the special beauty of this place. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m Here nature created a lot of surprising, almost like the sights on the moon, ever-changing as the frequent wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors. One of the most astonishing and variable parts of Death Valley is the Devil’ s Golf Course, where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures(沙雕) stand on a frightening ground, as evening shadows move and lengthen.

1、_______ is the lowest place in the desert.


B.Death Valley


D. Badwater


本题详解: 细节题。根据 …and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United States 可推知此题答案为 D。

2、The name of the valley comes from _______.

A.an Indian name

B. the death of the miners

C. the local people

D.a National Movement


本题详解: 推断题。根据 …when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story… 可知“死亡谷”的名称来源于这些迷路矿工的死亡。

3、 From the passage we can learn that _______.

A.no one had ever known the desert before the miners

B. it’s still not easy to travel across the desert

C.people can find gas-stations, cafes and hotels in the desert

D.people have changed the natural sight of the desert


本题详解: 推断题。根据 …well-marked roads where good services can be found easily… 可以判断 C 为最佳答案。

4、Devil Golf Course is famous for _______.

A. the frequent wind

B.the colors of the sand

C. dream-like sights

D.the sand sculptures


本题详解: 细节题。根据 …where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams 可推知答案为 C。

5、 From the passage we can see that the writer _______ the Death Valley.

A. appreciates

B. is fearful of


D. is tired of


本题详解:推断题。根据the special beauty of this place…like the sights on the moon… ever-changing…showing the most unusual colors等关键词语可以知道作者是带着赞赏的语气来描述“死亡谷”的。


TODAY, Friday, November 12 JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band at The Derby Arms. Upper Richmond Road West, Sheen. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m DISCO Satin Sounds Disco. Free at The Lord Napier, Mort lake High St., from 8a. m. to 8p. m. Tel: 682―1158. SATUR高考资源网DAY, November 13 JAZZ Lysis at The Bull’s Head, Barnes. Admission 60p. MUSICAL HALL at The Star and Garter, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, provided by the Aba Daba Music Hall company. Good food and entertainment fair price. Tel: 789―6749. FAMILY night out? Join the sing-along at The Black Horse. Sheen Road, Richmond. JAZZ The John Bennett Big Band at The Bull’s Head, Barnes. Admission 80p. THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electric accordion(手风琴). Tel: 789―4536 SUNDAY, November 14 DISCO Satin Sounds Disco, free at The Lord Napier, Mort Lake High Street, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. FOLK MUSIC at The Derby Arms. The Short Stuff and residents the Norman Chop Trio. Non-remembers 70p. Tel: 688―4626. HEAVY MUSIC with Tony Simon at The Bull, Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen. THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electric accordion.

1、 Where and when can you hear the Norman Chop Trio?

A.At the Bull’s Head on Sunday.

B.At the Derby Arms on Sunday.

C.At the Bull on Saturday.

D.At the Black Horse on Saturday.


本题详解:细节题。根据文章星期天的活动安排FOLK MUSIC at The Derby Arms. The Short Stuff and residents the Norman Chop Trio.可推知此题答案为B。

2、Where and when can you hear the Mike Thomas Jazz Band?

A.At the Derby Arms on Friday.

B.At the Black Horse on Friday.

C. At the Star and Garter on Saturday.

D.At the Derby Arms on Sunday.


本题详解: 细节题。根据文章星期五活动安排的第1句JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band at The Derby Arms.可推知此题答案为A。

3、You want to enjoy the electric accordion on Saturday. Which telephone number do you have to ring to find out what time it starts?

A. 789―6749.





本题详解: 细节题。根据星期六活动安排最后一句the electric accordion Tel: 789―4536可推知此题答案为B。

4、 You want to spend the Saturday by joining the entertainment with your family. Where should you go?

A.Disco at The Lord Napier.

B.The sing-along at The Black Horse.

C. The electric accordion at The Derby Arms.


本题详解: 细节题。根据星期六活动安排第4行FAMILY night out? Join the sing-along at The Black Horse.可推知此题答案为B。

5、 You want to spend the same day at two different places and don’t want to cross any street. Which of the following is your best choice?

A.The sing-along at the Black Horse and Jazz at The Bull’s Head.

B. The sing-along at The Black Horse and Folk Music at The Derby Arms.

C. Folk Music at The Derby Arms and Heavy Music with Tony Simon at The Bull.

D.Musical Hal lat The Star &Garter and Disco at The Lord Napier.


本题详解: 细节题。根据星期天活动安排最后3段可知 FOLK MUSIC 在 The Derby Arms 演出,而 The Derby Arms 的地址是 Upper Richmond Road West. East Sheen,与 Heavy Music 在同一条街上。故选C。


Motherhood may make women smarter and may help prevent dementia(痴呆) in old age by bathing the brain in protective hormones(荷尔蒙) , U.S. reseachers reported on Thursday. Tests on rats show that those who raise two or more litters of pups do considera babies, and their brains show changes that suggest they may be protected against diseases such as Alzheimer’s(早老痴呆症). University of Richmond psychology professor Craig Kinsley believes his findings will translate into humans. “Our research shows that the hormones of pregnancy(怀孕) are protecting the brain, including estrogen(雌激素), which we know has many neuroprotective (保护神经的) effects,” Kinsley said. “It’s rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals,” he added in a telephone interview. “They go through pregnancy and hormonal changes.” Kinsley said he hoped public health officials and researchers will look to see if having had children protects a woman from Alzheimer’s and other forms of age-related brain decline. “When people think about pregnancy, they think about what happens to babies and the mother from the neck down,” said Kinsley, who presented his findings to the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience in Orlando, Florida. “They do not realize that hormones are washing on the brain. If you look at female animals who have never gone through pregnancy, they act differently toward young. But if she goes through pregnancy, she will sacrifice her life for her infant―that is a great change in her behavior that showed in genetic alterations(改变) to the brain.”

1、 How do scientists know “Motherhood may make women smarter”?

A. Some researchers have told them.

B. Many women say so.

C. They know it by experimenting on rats.

D. They know it through their own experience.


本题详解: 细节题。根据Tests on rats show… 可知科学家是通过做老鼠实验得出这个结论的。

2、What does the phrase “litters of pups” mean in the second paragraph?

A.Baby rats.

B.Baby rats.

C.Old rats.

D. Grown-up rats.


本题详解: 词义猜测题。后面的对比who have no babies,实际上提供了一个相反的情况,所以我们可以推测those who raise two or more litters of pups中的litters of pups指的是“刚出生不久的小老鼠”。

3、What can protect the brain of a woman according to the passage?

A. Estrogen.

B. The hormones of pregnancy.

C.More exercise.

D.Taking care of children.


本题详解: 细节题。根据文章第 3 段中的 …the hormones of pregnancy(怀孕) are protecting the brain可得出答案。

4、 “It’s rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals.” What does the sentence suggest?

A.The experiments on the rats have nothing to do with humans.

B. The experiments on the rats are very important for animals.

C.More exercise.

D.The experiments on the rats are much the same on other animals.


本题详解: 句意理解题。科学家通过用老鼠做实验来说明人的问题。因为人和老鼠都属于哺乳动物,很多生理机能都相同。

5、 Which title is the best for this passage?

A. Do You Want to Be Smarter?

B.Motherhood Makes Women Smarter

C.Mysterious Hormones

D.An Important Study


本题详解: 主旨题。短文第 1 句 Motherhood may make women smarter 是主题句,据此我们可以得出答案。

四、短文改错(10 points)

1、 Dear Mr Johnson,I’ve learned from a newspaper that some clerks wanted in 56. _______


2、 your company. I am eager to be one of them. So I’m writing the 57. ________


3、 letter. My name is Zhang Hua. I was born in the Hebei Province 58. _______

参考答案: the

4、 and I’m in good healthy. I’ve just graduated from the Chinese 59. _______


5、 Department of Wuhan University. I’ve done very well in all subject, 60. ________

参考答案: subjects

6、 but I’m especially good at computer studies and English. I can 61. _______


参考答案: and


7、 read science books in English and doing some writing in English 62. _______


8、 as well. Besides, I know a few French. And in my spare time, 63. _______


9、 I like to play basketball very much. It is said your company is 64. _______


10、 very famous and is well managed. I’ll be very glad whether you let 65. _______ me work for it. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

参考答案: if

五、书面表达(15 points)

1、阅读下列材料,以“Why is fantasy literature so popular with young people?”为题写一篇短文。 词数:100左右。



参考答案:One possible version: Why is fantasy literature so popular with young people? At present many young people like to read fantasy literature. When they read some fantasy literature, they often forget to eat and sleep. Why is fantasy literature so popular with young people? Here are some main reasons. First, the plot of fantasy literature is usually indirect and thrilling. So it can attract young people. At the same time, fantasy literature is usually lively, interesting and instructive. As a result, it can easily move young people. Besides, fantasy literature usually describes something that young people can't do in real life, so it makes up for the realization of young people's dreams.


作者:不详 来源:网络
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