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时间:2012-5-10 14:56:19 点击:

  核心提示:2012年初中英语教师招聘考试高度模拟试卷及参考答案三 ...
Passage 4
A scientific panel convened by the World Health Organization recommended guidelines on Friday for doctors conducting clinical studies of SARS patients.The panel urged doctors to apply the guidelines in analyzing the masses of potentially useful information about various therapies that were collected in this year  s epidemic.Much of that information has not been published or analyzed. “It is a matter of urgency to get better analysis and review.” said Dr.Simon Mardel,a WHO official who led the two  day meeting that ended on Friday.He said thousands of potential therapies and compounds had been tested so far as researchers try to determine treatments for SARS,or severe acute respiratory syndrome.“We recognize that having no treatment for SARS is hindering our ability to control an epidemic in so many ways.” He said. In the epidemic earlier this year,various treatments,like drugs to fight the virus or strengthen the immune system,as well as traditional Chinese medicine,were delivered under emergency conditions,in widely different settings and countries to patients suffering from varying stages of the illness.Those conditions—generally without standardized measurements or controlled situations—have made it hard to interpret results. Standard supportive therapy like nursing,and in severe cases the use of mechanical respirators(呼吸器)to help patients breathe,is the mainstay(主要支持)of SARS care,and helped many patients survive.But doctors still do not know how best to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties,Dr.Mardel said.One method is invasive ventilation.A second method involves blowing oxygen into the lungs through a mask.Both carry the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees.Without proper analysis,the panel was unable to say definitively which treatment worked best,or which caused the most harm.“There is a lack of shared information.” Dr.Mardel said,noting that a lot of data have not been published. The panel also agreed on guidelines that would allow doctors to conduct quick and safe clinical trials,a process that generally takes years to complete.The World Health Organization,a United Nations agency did not release the guidelines.Dr.Mardel said they were flexible because no one knew where,when and in what setting SARS would return.Experts in many countries have already listed the treatments they want to test,and the health agency is leaving these decisions to individual nations.
()14.Guidelines recommended by the scientific panel can be used for.
A.gathering potentially useful information about various therapies collected
B.conducting clinical studies of SARS patients
C.determining treatment for SARS
D.publishing all the information about SARS
()15.According to the passage,it is difficult to interpret the results of certain treatments for
SARS because.
A.patients were in different countries
B.patients were given medicines in widely different settings
C.patients were at different stages of the illness
D.these conditions had no standardized measurements or controlled situations
()16.According to doctors,the two methods to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties
A.carry the risk of infecting hospital employees
B.are effective in curing patients who have breathing difficulties
C.don  t run the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees
D.prove to work effectively and cause no harm
()17.According to a WHO official,Dr.Mardel,the guidelines were flexible because.
A.SARS would reemerge in poor countries
B.no one knew where,when and in what setting SARS would return
C.SARS would not appear in developed countries
D.no one knew whether SARS would return or not
()18.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.SARS,a Dreadful Disease
B.No Good Methods to Treat SARS
C.SARS Will Return One Day
D.Health Panel Recommends New Guidelines on SARS
Ⅳ.Translation 14%
Directions:Translate the following passages into Chinese.
Passage 1 Surely ambition is behind dreams of glory,of wealth,of distinction,of accomplishment,of pleasure,of goodness.What life does with our dreams and expectations cannot,of course,be predicted.Some dreams,begun in selflessness,end in rancor; other dreams,begun in selfishness,end in large  heartedness.The unpredictability of the outcome of dreams is no reason to cease
Passage 2
So if you want people to get on board,help them open their windows and urge them to look at the
world outside.Expose them to the same eye  opening information you have,and discuss it openly.If they don  t have the skills to analyze and interpret the data,then provide them with coaching and education.You don  t need to have a Ph.D.to intelligently appraise a competitive analysis or a market research study.Remember: people get on board when they look outward and see for themselves the reasons for change.
Ⅴ.Writing 15%
Directions: In this part,you are required to write a composition on the topic What does friendship mean? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
六、单项选择题(本大题共10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分)
A.学习动机 B.学习目标
C.学习期待 D.学习诱因
A.心理自我 B.生理自我
C.社会自我 D.自我意识
A.整体性 B.选择性
C.理解性 D.恒常性
A.生活焦虑 B.睡眠障碍焦虑
C.交友焦虑 D.考试焦虑
A.杜威 B.泰勒
C.布卢姆 D.布鲁纳
A.概念学习 B.符号学习
C.命题学习 D.并列结合学习
A.信度 B.效度
C.难度 D.区分度
A.课堂气氛 B.群体规范
C.人际关系 D.群体凝聚力
A.流畅性 B.变通性
C.指向性 D.独创性
A.阿特金森 B.马斯洛
C.维纳 D.班杜拉
七、填空题(本大题共5 小题,每小题2 分,共10 分)
八、论述题(本大题共2 小题,每小题10 分,共20 分)
Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure
1.C 【解析】此句的意思是“抱歉,我要走了。今晚我过得很愉快。”
2.B 【解析】句子是现在完成时的主系表结构,句中open 是形容词做表语。
3.D 【解析】替代词one 在句中作同位语,代指father,后面再接一个定语从句。先行词one 又在从句中充当宾语,用whom。
4.B 【解析】由which 引导的非限定性定语从句,which 可代整个主句,相当于and this 或and that。which 一般放在句中。
5.B 【解析】本题考查的是which 引导的非限制性定语从句。which 引导的非限定性定语从句来说明前面整个句子的情况。
6.B 【解析】which 为关系代词,引导定语从句修饰Chinese vase。
7.A 【解析】keep in touch 意为“保持联络”。
8.D 【解析】no matter how 意为“不管,无论”,引导让步状语从句;regardless 意为“不顾”,应与 of 连用;though 意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句;despite 意为“尽管,不顾”,后面接名词或名词性词组。
9.D 【解析】mild 意为“温柔的,温和的”;slight 意为“微小的,轻微的”;light 意为“淡色的,轻的”;tender 意为“脆弱的,嫩的”。
10.B 【解析】rigid 意为“刚硬的,僵硬的”;solid 意为“稳定的,可靠的”;smooth 意为“光滑的,平坦的”;harsh 意为“刺耳的,严酷的”。
11.C 【解析】venture 意为“冒险”;expose 意为“使暴露”;jeopardize 意为“危害,使处于危险境地”;legalize 意为“使合法化”。本句的意思是“他说终结契约不利于小商店或家庭式经营书店的未来,那样会减少图书出版量,并且会提高全部图书价格,而不仅仅是为数不多的几本畅销书”。
12.B 【解析】overturn 意为“推翻, 颠倒”;drown 意为“淹没”;deafen 意为“使聋”;smooth 意为“使光滑,使优雅”。本句的意思是“我听不到任何其他声音,飞机发动机的轰鸣声淹没了它们”。
13.D 【解析】tumble to 意为“恍然大悟”;hinge on 意为“靠……转动, 以……为转移”;inflict on 意为“使……受痛苦”,culminate in 意为“最终”。本句的意思是“汤姆现在破产了。他陷入了绝望,因为他的所有努力最终都白费了”。
14.D 【解析】progression 意为“行进”;prime 意为“最初,青春”;stability 意为“稳定性”;stimulus 意为“刺激”。本句的意思是“如果增值税被废除,它可以刺激消费”。
15.D 【解析】refute 意为“反驳”;exclude 意为“排除”;expel 意为“驱逐, 开除”;rectify 意为“纠正”。本句的意思是“我希望我们班里的每一个人都能够及时地改正自己的错误”。
1-5 DCDCD6-10 CDBAB11-15 ADCBA16-20 DDCAB
Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension
1-4 ADBC5-8 CDDA9-13 CACBD14-18 BDABD
Passage 1
Passage 2
1.C 【解析】略。
2.A 【解析】自我意识是个体对自己以及自己与周边事物的关系进行认识时所产生的一种意识活动。个人自我意识的发展经历了从生理自我到社会自我再到心理自我的过程。心理自我时期,个体自觉地按照一定的行动目标和社会准则来评价自己的心理品质和能力。
3.B 【解析】略。
4.D 【解析】焦虑症是以与客观威胁不相适应的焦虑反应为特征的神经症,学生中常见的焦虑反应是考试焦虑。
5.C 【解析】布卢姆是美国杰出的心理学家和教育学家,他的理论业绩在四个领域中尤为突出:教育目标分类学;掌握学习理论;教育评价理论;课程开发论。
6.C 【解析】根据知识本身的存在形式和复杂程度,可以把知识的学习分为符号学习、概念学习和命题学习。题干为命题学习的定义。
7.B 【解析】略。
8.A 【解析】课堂气氛是教学过程的软环境,通常是指课堂里某些占优势的态度与情感的综合状态。
9.A 【解析】略。
10.B 【解析】需要层次理论是人本主义心理学理论在动机领域中的体现,美国心理学家马斯洛是这一理论的提出者和代表人物。
1.【参考答案】教师为了保证教学的成功、达到预期的教学目标,而在教学的全过程中,将教学活动本身作为意识的对象,不断地对其进行积极、主动的计划、监察、评价、反馈、控制和调节的能力称为教师教学监控能力。 教师的教学监控能力主要可分为三个方面:(1)教师对自己实际教学活动的事先计划和安排;(2)教师对自己实际教学活动进行有意识的监察、评价和反馈;(3)教师对自己的教学活动进行调节、校正和有意识的自我控制。 提高教师的教学监控能力的技术主要有以下三种:(1)角色改变技术。其目的是让教师形成正确的教育观念,提高其参加教育科研的自觉性和主动性,从而自觉地实现角色的改变。(2)教学反馈技术。其目的是使教师对自己教学各环节有一个准确而客观的认识。(3)现场指导技术。其目的是帮助教师针对不同的教学背景,选用最佳的教学策略,以达到最佳的教学效果,使其最终能达到对自己课堂教学的有效调节和校正。
 (3)开设培养创造性的课程,教授创造性思维策略。①发散思维策略;②推测与假设训练;③自我设计训练;④ 头脑风暴法训练。


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